Full Circle … What does “Full Circle” mean for Chamberology? Well, have you ever had things just happen a certain way and you really can’t believe they happened that way?
Recently, at the annual conference of the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives I was able to have a Champagne Toast Launch for my new book “Chamberology”. It is ironic the conference this year was held in my hometown of Bryan, Texas.
You see my father passed away in April of the previous year. He was a strong man but succumbed to COPD, a dreadful disease he battled heroically for many years.
After his passing, I had the desire to finish my book before the first year anniversary of his death. I am proud to say I put the proof copy of my book in my mother’s hands on that anniversary day. She was speechless. At first, I was offended at how unresponsive she was to a feat I had worked so hard on then I realized all the emotions coming into play.
At the Champagne Toast Launch, also ironically held at the Hilton Hotel located just blocks from my childhood home, my mother, sister and niece were able to attend. This made the launch extra special as my mother sat next to me during the toast. As my peers stood in line to purchase the book and ask for my autograph, I was in awe but seeing my mother’s eyes glow was an event I will cherish.
It was also ironic several weeks later to find a photo with my mother and a writeup in my hometown newspaper. See the article here.
My husband and daughter who drove for miles to be there and who organized the whole event made the evening just that much more special.
So what’s the big deal about “Full Circle?” Well, you see… as I mention in the book… I was a baton twirler. Twirling reminds me most of my early years of living in Bryan. I worked hard to be really good. I also worked hard to run the Chamber to the best of my abilities. In the book, I am able to share ways to help other Chamber Execs do their best at running their Chambers. I feel this is a full circle. It started in Bryan and circled back around to Bryan for the book launch.
I just love how it all turned out. I know my father would be proud and in his own way… I know he was there.
Under Diane’s leadership as President and CEO of the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce for more than 32 years membership increased 163%. Today Diane is passionate about mentoring others to have the same success with their Chambers, working with Chamber Executives to be energized, educated, and experienced in what it takes to get their Chambers to a 5-star level.
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